Fetal Hemoglobin Genome-wide Association Study

Genome-wide association study of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in Cameroon, Tanzania, and African American Sickle Cell Anemia patients


Load r package


Load clinical datasets

cm <- read_table("../clinicaldata/cm_clinical_data.tsv")
tz <- read_table("../clinicaldata/tz_clinical_data.tsv")

Cameroon data variables

cm %>% names()
#  [1] "FID"                 "IID"                 "AGE"                
#  [4] "SEX"                 "HbF"                 "HbS"                
#  [7] "Hb_Phenotype"        "Hb"                  "Phenotypes"         
# [10] "Genotypes"           "Haplotypes"          "athal"              
# [13] "Curated_Age_yrs"     "VOC.year"            "Consultation.year"  
# [16] "Hosp"                "Stroke"              "HbA2_percentage"    
# [19] "RBC"                 "MCV.fl."             "MCHC"               
# [22] "WBC"                 "Lymp"                "Mono"               
# [25] "Platelets"           "Curated_penotype"    "Sample_name_comment"

Summarize Cameroon data

Quantitative/Continuous variables

variables <- c(
   "AGE",                   # Age in years
   "HbS",                   # Proportion of HbS
   "HbF",                   # Proportion of fetal haemoglobin
   "HbA2_percentage",       # Proportion of HbA2
   "Consultation.year",     # Number of consultations per year
   "MCHC",                  # Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
   "Mono",                  # Monocyte count (x10^9/l)
   "Hosp",                  # Number of hospitalizations per year
   "RBC",                   # Red blood cell count (x10^12/l)
   "WBC",                   # White blood cell count (x10^9/l)
   "Platelets",             # Platelet count (x10^9/l)
   "VOC.year",              # Number of vaso occlusive crises per year
   "MCV.fl.",               # Mean cell volume
   "Lymp"                   # Lymphocyte count (x10^9/l)
cm %>% select(variables) %>% summary()
     AGE             HbS             HbF         HbA2_percentage 
Min.   : 5.00   Min.   :19.60   Min.   : 0.700   Min.   : 0.000  
1st Qu.:10.00   1st Qu.:80.30   1st Qu.: 4.700   1st Qu.: 2.700  
Median :16.00   Median :86.00   Median : 8.500   Median : 3.200  
Mean   :18.05   Mean   :83.56   Mean   : 9.892   Mean   : 3.324  
3rd Qu.:24.00   3rd Qu.:90.70   3rd Qu.:13.600   3rd Qu.: 3.800  
Max.   :66.00   Max.   :96.50   Max.   :37.400   Max.   :18.200  
                                                 NA's   :3       
Consultation.year      MCHC            Mono            Hosp       
Min.   : 0.000    Min.   : 3.80   Min.   :0.000   Min.   : 0.000  
1st Qu.: 0.000    1st Qu.:25.90   1st Qu.:0.700   1st Qu.: 1.000  
Median : 1.000    Median :31.00   Median :1.000   Median : 1.000  
Mean   : 2.049    Mean   :29.21   Mean   :1.161   Mean   : 1.974  
3rd Qu.: 2.000    3rd Qu.:33.00   3rd Qu.:1.400   3rd Qu.: 2.000  
Max.   :15.000    Max.   :54.20   Max.   :9.400   Max.   :24.000  
NA's   :805       NA's   :17      NA's   :14      NA's   :59      
     RBC            WBC           Platelets         VOC.year     
Min.   :0.84   Min.   : 0.400   Min.   :  22.0   Min.   : 0.000  
1st Qu.:2.29   1st Qu.: 8.607   1st Qu.: 310.0   1st Qu.: 1.000  
Median :2.70   Median :11.200   Median : 401.0   Median : 2.000  
Mean   :2.75   Mean   :11.819   Mean   : 415.4   Mean   : 3.189  
3rd Qu.:3.12   3rd Qu.:14.200   3rd Qu.: 498.0   3rd Qu.: 4.000  
Max.   :7.70   Max.   :49.800   Max.   :1185.0   Max.   :48.000  
NA's   :15     NA's   :14       NA's   :13       NA's   :29      
   MCV.fl.           Lymp       
Min.   : 59.0   Min.   : 0.100  
1st Qu.: 81.0   1st Qu.: 3.570  
Median : 87.0   Median : 4.700  
Mean   : 87.1   Mean   : 5.186  
3rd Qu.: 94.0   3rd Qu.: 6.210  
Max.   :132.0   Max.   :22.600  
NA's   :14      NA's   :13

Categorigal variables

cm %>% 
   select(SEX) %>% 
   table() %>% 
   as.data.frame() %>% 
   na.omit() %>%
   mutate(Prop = (Freq/sum(Freq))*100) -> sex       # Sex


#   . Freq  Prop
# 1 F  657 52.56
# 2 M  593 47.44

colnames(sex) <- c("cat", "freq", "prop")
   ylim=c(0, 60), 
   labels=c("Female", "Male")
   text = "Proportion (%)",
   side = 2,
   line = 3
   text = "Sex",
   side = 1,
   line = 1

Fig.1: cm gender distribution
Figure 1. Proportion of females and males in the Cameroonian discovery dataset

cm %>% select(Stroke) %>% table()       # Number of patients with at least one overt stroke

# .
#   No  Yes 
# 1195   46

cm %>% select(athal) %>% table()        # 3.7 kb HbA1/HbA2 alpha thalassaemia deletion

# .
# α3.7/α3.7   αα/α3.7     αα/αα 
#        18       101       286

cm %>% select(Haplotypes) %>% table()   # HBB gene cluster haplotypes

# .
#     Atypical          BEN       BEN/AI BEN/Atypical      BEN/CAM      BEN/CAR 
#            3          331            2           26           99            2 
#          CAM       CAM/AI CAM/Atypical      CAM/SEN          CAR CAR/Atypical 
#          174            1            8            1            1            1 
#      CAR/CAM          SEN 
#            1            4

CAM = CAM/CAM, BEN = BEN/BEN, SEN = SEN/SEN, CAR = CAR/CAR, Atypical = Atypical/Atypical

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Tanzania data variables

tz %>% names()

# [1] "FID" "IID" "AGE" "HbF" "SEX"

Summarize Tanzania data

Quantitative/Continuous variables

variables <- c(
tz %>% select(variables) %>% summary()
     AGE              HbF        
Min.   : 5.021   Min.   : 0.200  
1st Qu.: 7.876   1st Qu.: 2.600  
Median :11.069   Median : 4.800  
Mean   :13.288   Mean   : 5.748  
3rd Qu.:16.298   3rd Qu.: 7.800  
Max.   :44.310   Max.   :32.500

Categorigal variables

tz %>%
   mutate(sex.updated = ifelse(SEX == 1, "M", ifelse(SEX == 2, "F", NA))) %>%
   select(sex.updated) %>%
   table() %>%
   as.data.frame() %>%
   na.omit() %>%
   mutate(Prop = (Freq/sum(Freq))*100) -> sex           # Sex


#   . Freq   Prop
# 1 F  539 52.895
# 2 M  480 47.105

colnames(sex) <- c("cat", "freq", "prop")
   ylim=c(0, 60),
   labels=c("Female", "Male")
   text = "Proportion (%)",
   side = 2,
   line = 3
   text = "Sex",
   side = 1,
   line = 1

Fig.2: tz gender distribution
Figure 2. Proportion of females and males in the Tanzanian replication dataset

HbF normalization (Cubic root)


cm %>% 
   mutate(normalizedHbF = HbF^(1/3)) -> cm.hbf.norm 
   col.names = T,
   row.names = F,
   quote = F,
   sep = "\t"

cm.hbf.norm %>% 
   select(HbF, normalizedHbF) %>% 
# # A tibble: 6 × 2
#     HbF normalizedHbF
#   <dbl>         <dbl>
# 1  31.6          3.16
# 2   6.4          1.86
# 3  12.6          2.33
# 4   8.8          2.06
# 5  17.5          2.60
# 6  17.8          2.61


# Tanzania
tz %>%
   mutate(normalizedHbF = HbF^(1/3)) -> tz.hbf.norm

   col.names = T,
   row.names = F,
   quote = F,
   sep = "\t"

tz.hbf.norm %>% 
   select(HbF, normalizedHbF) %>% 
# # A tibble: 6 × 2
#     HbF normalizedHbF
#   <dbl>         <dbl>
# 1   0.2         0.585
# 2   0.3         0.669
# 3   0.3         0.669
# 4   0.3         0.669
# 5   0.3         0.669
# 6   0.4         0.737

HbF distribution before and after normalization

cm.hbf.den <- density(cm.hbf.norm$HbF)
cm.nhbf.den <- density(cm.hbf.norm$normalizedHbF)
tz.hbf.den <- density(tz.hbf.norm$HbF)
tz.nhbf.den <- density(tz.hbf.norm$normalizedHbF)

plot(cm.hbf.den, main="Cameroon HbF")
polygon(cm.hbf.den, col=2)
plot(cm.nhbf.den, ylab="", main="Cameroon normalized HbF")
polygon(cm.nhbf.den, col=5)
plot(tz.hbf.den, main="Tanzania HbF")
polygon(tz.hbf.den, col=2)
plot(tz.nhbf.den, ylab="", main="Tanzania normalized HbF")
polygon(tz.nhbf.den, col=5)

Fig.3: HbF normalization
Figure 3. HbF distribution in Cameroonian and Tanzanian study participants before and after normalization